Exhibit @ LightSPEC West
The LED lighting market is expected to grow by 5.2% to $112 billion worldwide in a post-COVID comeback, driven by innovations in materials, manufacturing and technology targeted at improving product functionality, energy efficiency and eco-friendliness.
Presented by LEDs Magazine, one of the industry's most trusted information resources, LightSPEC West will contribute to this market growth by bringing together buyers and sellers to connect, network and engage. As an exhibitor, you'll benefit from lead generation opportunities to build your sales pipeline with lighting specifiers, architects, designers, and others.
Benefits of exhibiting:
- Visibility of your products and services in the market
- Face-to-face networking with attendees who are qualified to purchase
- Cost-effective platform to meet customers and prospects across two days
- Branding and lead generation opportunities before, during and after the event with pre and post show promotions
- Opportunities to see what other manufacturers and suppliers are doing in the industry
Exhibit Hall Hours:
Wednesday, September 21: 10:00am - 7:00pm
Thursday, September 22: 10:00am - 3:00pm
For more information or to book exhibit space, contact:
P: +1.918.832.9256
E: vfoster@endeavorb2b.com
P: +1.510.701.0512
E: tcarli@endeavorb2b.com