Health & Wellness: How Lighting Influences Well-Being
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Kara Alexzander

Lighting significantly influences our body's automatic functions. Visual perception of color and clarity at different distances and intensities play a crucial role in shaping well-being and productivity. Research suggests an intriguing link between how data is processed by the right eye-left brain axis and left eye-right brain axis in diverse lighting conditions. Understanding this connection can drive innovative approaches to optimize human well-being and productivity in architecture and design. Dr. Kara Alexzander further explores this topic, delving into the significance of color temperature, TM-30 evaluation, lumen output, and color rendering in shaping our experiences with lighting.

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AIA Approved Credit: 1-hour

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AIA Approved Credit: 1-hour